Monday, February 6, 2012

Iran bans Simpson dolls

According to an Iranian newspaper the Insititute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults a government agency has added Simpson dolls to a list of dolls banned in the country.'

Barbie dolls are also banned in Iran. The dolls are banned for promoting Western Culture apparently. The report is in the Shargh daily newspaper. However no specific reasons were cited.

You would think that Homer would be a role model. He is a worker in a nuclear plant! Dolls in which genitals are distinguishable as well as dolls of adults are also banned in Iran. If all adult dolls are prohibited that seems a huge number of dolls. Only flat breasted female teen dolls are acceptable as well I should think.

This is all probably a plot by enterprising Iranian Revolutionary Guards to make money selling illegal western dolls at high prices. For more see this CBC article. Toy shops selling Barbie dolls have been closed down. No doubt the Barbie dolls were seized by these Revolutionary independent entrepreneurs and will appear on the black market.

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