Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Farmers: Ottawa wants to dismantle Wheat Board

This is hardly news. In fact if farmers bothered to read the federal Conservative party platform it included a pledge to end the Wheat Board's monopoly or single desk selling. The plebiscite the Conservatives held was misleading but there also seems to be a general misunderstanding to the effect that the Wheat Board could survive without a monopoly and that caused a lot of farmers to vote for a dual marketing structure for marketing barley. Perhaps the same three choice questionnaire will be used when there is a plebiscite re wheat.

Ottawa wants to dismantle Wheat Board: farmers
Updated Tue. Jan. 29 2008 11:22 AM ET
The Canadian Press
OTTAWA -- Some western farmers are arguing that the federal government wants to dismantle the Canadian Wheat Board and turn control of agriculture over to big business.
They say it's the start of a slope that could see the government do away with marketing boards, medicare and the CBC.
Farm representatives are in Ottawa protesting a closed-door meeting called by Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz to discuss the future of the barley industry.
The government wants to give western farmers the option of selling barley outside the wheat board system, although its first try was stymied by a Federal Court decision.
Opponents of that idea say the Ritz meeting is a ploy to allow wheat board "haters" to bully the agency into giving up control of the barley market.
Although a plebiscite last year seemed to support the government's effort to allow farmers an option in barley sales, opponents say the vote was rigged.
The government has appealed the Federal Court decision on barley marketing and a hearing is scheduled for next month.

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